Monday, August 24, 2009

More on the Suggested Arrival Times

11am-- Recommended arrival time if you are camping overnight AND plan to join us for the ceremony. This will give you time (about 2 hours) to find your campsite, set up your camp, orient yourself with the grounds, get settled in , and relax a bit before the festivities begin. This way you can stay with the group after the ceremony, for the eating and drinking and festivities, rather than running off to set up your camp while we have all the fun without you.
**As long as you are all settled in and happy and not running around asking us questions and slamming car doors and yelling at each other about how to set up your tent at 1pm when we are trying to start the ceremony, we will be happy. (Thus the 11am "suggested" arrival time- to give you 2 hours to do just that!)

1pm-- Recommended arrival time if you plan to join us for the ceremony. (*Coming to the ceremony is not mandatory... it's only if you really want to see it and really actually honestly want to be there! If you don't- we'll see you at the potluck!)
**Keep in mind there are 2 home college football games on the same day of the wedding!
Both the Ducks in Eugene and Beavers in Corvallis are playing sometime around 1pm on Saturday... so that means that I-5 traffic will likely be BAD! You will probably want to allot yourself more time than usual to drive from Portland to Eugene.

4pm-- Recommended arrival time for the Potluck and Reception. Show up at 4 to eat, then stick around for the drink and merriment!
(And remember- if you plan on drinking, please plan on spending the night! Be safe!)

Frequently Asked Question: What is going on between the ceremony and the reception, from 1:30 to 4 pm? Well, we are planning on a little buffer time for the start of the ceremony, considering the long drive for some and the threat of football traffic. So we are counting on the ceremony being finished up sometime between 2 and 3pm, depending on unforeseen circumstances, which leaves just 1 hour for the "Wedding Work Party" (family and friends) to set up the BBQ, get the meat a 'grillin', put out all the potluck food & pies, etc. During this hour/hour and a half, we hope you will enjoy a cocktail, play some horseshoes, croquet, or badminton, and relax in the beauty of the forest. The time will fly, and the dinner bell will ring before you know it, I am sure. So, chillax!

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