Sunday, July 28, 2019

Are you ready for the Hootenanny ?!

Thanks for taking a look at our wedding blog!
It is a work in progress, so please check back as we continue to update the following posts. And if there is an important and timely question that we have not yet attended to, feel free to drop an email or give us a call. Can't wait to see y'all!

Here's what to expect in the coming posts:

  1. Campsite Reservations ("camping? like, in a tent?")
  2. Alternative Lodging (sheets and showers are nice too)
  3. Potluck How-To
  4. Pie-Tree How-To
  5. Suggested Gear (like a toothbrush for your filthy mouth... Kristen...)
  6. Detailed Driving Directions & Maps
  7. Information on totally awesome activities in the area
  8. Carpooling/RideSharing/Funbus Suggestions (Eugene is close for some, far for others)
  9. Gift Registry Info/Input/contacts (greedy greedy)
  10. More on suggested arrival times
  11. F.A.Q -- "What the heck should i wear to this thing, anyway?"
So, y'all come back now!
We will be adding to each post in the coming days!


  1. congrats, we gladly accept your invite and cant wait to partake in the festivities.

  2. Gee thanks a lot Heather!
